Re: CSVW processing tools

There's a tools and implementations tag within our blog, see - currently only one post there

(The list at is just a list of
CSV-related tools collected by the Working Group during its

Gregg's post at is also a
great place to start, including for his Ruby implementation.

On 19 April 2016 at 11:43, Colin Maudry <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I can’t find again the page where tools compliant with the CSVW
> recommendation were listed. I’m especially looking for:
> a tool that implements the csv2rdf algorithms (CSV + CSVW = RDF)
> a validator that would check that a CSV complies with a given CSVW schema.
> Our objective is to annotate CSV with reference data (addreses, schools,
> election results, monuments…) in order to automate certain processes and
> offer new services to the consumers of the data.
> If these tools are either not available or incomplete, I will see that our
> code is shared with the community.
> Thank you very much,
> Colin Maudry
> Consultant for the French Open Data task force (Etalab)

Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 11:40:29 UTC