Re: CSV on the Web Primer ready for comments

Looks good, thanks!

On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> Hi Yakov,
> Thanks for taking a look and taking the time to comment :)
>> On 12 Feb 2016, at 00:18, Yakov Shafranovich <> wrote:
>> Sections 1.2 and 6.6, regarding locating a metadata file. This
>> document recommends a "-metadata.json" file as the default in the same
>> directory, however the tabular data model spec, in section 5, provides
>> a list of options in a specific precedence order. This is the third
>> option, end of 5.3.
> Yes, but it’s the one that we anticipate people will most easily use. For the initial examples this seemed like the right place to start.
> Your comment did make me realise I hadn’t described using the Link header though, so I’ve added this in.
>> Section 1 - maybe it would make sense to provide a reference to
>> section 6.6 regarding non-standard CSV here? I would think that
>> logical step after locating the file in section 1.2 would be to parse
>> the CSV.
> Good idea, added.
>> Now I personally like what it says in the primer, but I am not sure if
>> we need to indicate the conflict here.
>> Section 1.2, regarding the MIME type - do we need to reference the
>> IANA registration?
> The only thing I could see to reference is and unless you’re very technically minded (which I don’t expect readers of the Primer to be) then I don’t think that gives you any particularly useful information.
>> Section 6.6 - regarding RFC 4180 - "However, this is an informational
>> specification and it's not uncommon for applications to deviate from
>> it." - I don't know whether this part is true or not since we don't
>> have any kind of large scale analytics on existing files. Maybe this
>> can be reworded as "However, this is an informational specification
>> and not a formal standard. Therefore, applications may deviate from
>> it".
> Changed.
> See for the changes - if you could let me know if they’re OK that would be great.
> Thanks again,
> Jeni
> --
> Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 15 February 2016 14:31:44 UTC