Using schema:Enumeration instances to define valid values


For a given column, we would like to be able to define a fixed list of
values that this column is supposed to contain. In SQL terms that's an
ENUM type.

One of the solutions offered here [1] is to use the "format" property,
followed by a regex:

"format" : "value1|value2|value3"

However, we see several problems with this solution:

 - it's not easy to reuse somewhere else as a reusable object
 - the value of "format" requires parsing
 - we can't document the values with comments

A potential and cleaner solution would be to create schema:Enumeration
objects. Problem: I don't know how to connect the csvw:Column object
with the schema:Enumeration [2] object.Any idea?

The thread mentioned above [1] seems to end up recommending using XSD
schema files to declare enumerations, but I'm not comfortable with doing
so outside of the JSON-LD/RDF realm. I think it would make the
validation script more complex because less web-friendly. I'd rather
declare them in a separate JSON-LD file.

FYI, values of an enumeration and their schema:Enumeration object are
expressed this way:

ex:Genders rdfs:subClassOf schema:Enumeration .
ex:Female rdf:type ex:Genders .
ex:Male rdf:type ex:Genders .
ex:Other rdf:type ex:Genders .



Received on Monday, 12 October 2015 13:57:59 UTC