Re: Define @type for all rows

Answering my own question:

In the csv2rdf spec, Example 11 [1] uses a virtual column to generate
more triples:


This says that:

- a virtual column is described (virtual: true)= not an actual column in
the table
- a name was made up (name: type_event)
- the URI of the subject of the triple is  #event-{_row}, using the
current @base to resolve to a full URI
- The predicate/property of the triple is rdf:type
- the object/value of the triple is schema:MusicEvent.

So for instance for row 1, a triple like that would be generated:

#event-1 rdf:type schema:Event .

...which is exactly what I was looking for! If there are alternate
solutions, please  speak up.


Colin Maudry

On 14/12/15 14:09, Colin Maudry wrote:
> Hello,
> In this JSON metadata file [1], I annotate this CSV [2] (8 MB) (also in
> JSON-LD playground [3]).
> I'm familiar with RDF, and would like to specify in my schema that every
> row in this table describes an object of @type
> <> ("school building").
> I think I saw somewhere that it was possible to specify this on a
> csvw:Row object, but since I only annotate the table and the columns and
> don't want to annotate every single row, that doesn't seem like a good
> approach in my case.
> What would you suggest? Did I miss something?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Colin Maudry
> @CMaudry

Received on Monday, 14 December 2015 16:39:34 UTC