Re: Spec review request: CSV on the Web

On 19/04/15 14:01, Dan Brickley wrote:
> Interesting. I don't recall the topic coming up (although I may have missed it).
> How would we go about getting official clipboard flavour names for
> Windows and OSX UTI?

I've been asking that question repeatedly but it seems like this is
ancient times.
Apple states that "applications just register their types" (in
application descriptor's plist) while the MS guy I know of (working in
the Office suite) says the same "applications just declare their tyeps".

Thus, since a while, some mediatype declarations include a few lines
with these two names.
I could ask at my contact in the Office team to confirm me this, but as
far as my attempts on Windows and OSX have gone with MS products, there
is no standard name for CSV yet.


Received on Sunday, 19 April 2015 12:32:07 UTC