- From: Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 13:15:23 +0100
- To: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
- Cc: Jeni Tennison <jeni@jenitennison.com>, Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>, W3C CSV on the Web Working Group <public-csv-wg@w3.org>
On 14 April 2015 at 10:14, Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org> wrote: > Jeni, Dan, > > once the documents are published on Thursday, we should make some tam-tam to ensure that we get the widest possible review before we go to a final, LCCR phase. After all, we consider this as a pseudo-last call, although the new process does not make this so formal. (is 'tam tam' a Dutch idiom? but I get that it means bang-the-drum...:) > First of all, we have to have the 'horizontal' reviews. I guess what this means is to send a mail to each of the relevant groups with a request to review the document, I would say before June. (This is what we planned for LCCR, right?) We should probably ask them to send, if possible, the issues to github, but if they do not like that we will have to forward their review results ourselves. I tried to collect the targets, here they are: > > * *Security:* review request to public-web-security@w3.org; Web Security Interest Group, staff contact Wendy Seltzer (wseltzer@w3.org), chairs Adam Barth (w3c@adambarth.com), Virginie Galindo (virginie.galindo@gemalto.com) > > * *Internationalization:* review request to addison@lab126.com; Internationalization Working Group, staff contact Richard Ishida (ishida@w3.org), chair Addison Phillips (addison@lab126.com) > > * *Privacy:* review request to public-privacy@w3.org; Privacy Interest Group, staff contact Nick Doty (npdoty@w3.org), chairs Christine Runnegar (runnegar@isoc.org), Tara Whalen (tjwhalen@google.com) > > * *Accessibility:* review requests to public-pfwg@w3.org, Protocols and Formats Working Group, staff contact Michael Cooper (cooper@w3.org), chair Janina Sajka (janina@rednote.net) > > I guess the first two are really important for us; I do not really see privacy or accessibility issues with these documents, but better ask. Our charter mentions Privacy, "Ensure that the privacy concerns are properly included in the CSV metadata either via reference or via direct vocabulary elements". Accessibility imho is important as CSV could prove to be an interesting approach to structured data authoring. See http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/atag.php and nearby. If a suitable collection of csv2rdf (or json) mappings are available, actual authoring of data can happen in various tools that allow tables to be edited. > Furthermore, we would probably want to ask for an explicit review from the Data on the Web Best practices group: > > * public-dwbp-wg@w3.org, chairs Deirdre Lee (Deirdre.Lee@deri.org), Hadley Beeman (hadley@linkedgov.org), Yaso Cordova (yaso@nic.br), and Steve Adler (adler1@us.ibm.com); staff contact Phil Archer (phila@w3.org) > > Otherwise a separate mail to the Data Coordination Group (member-dacg@w3.org), the SWIG (semantic-web@w3.org) and the LOD mailing list (public-lod@w3.org) (definitely those 2, yes) as well as, maybe, an announcement to chairs@w3.org (yes to that too) would be fine. Finally, we would need a Home Page News announcement as well as a Blog on the Data Activity blog. > > Any groups outside the core W3C circles? Dan, do you think it is worth using the schema.org list (I do not think so, but you tell me). I was thinking that it is well worth posting something in blog.schema.org (or at least the new CG for sure). In that context I would be tempted to frame it alongside recent explorations of using Web Components (custom elements etc.) as "exploring new ways of publishing schema.org". We should also make sure to bounce it around various open data / civic hackery / govt transparency lists. Jeni and Rufus probably have their fingers on the right pulses there. DWBP are also a good route to those audiences. Given our charter http://www.w3.org/2013/05/lcsv-charter.html says "The output of the mapping mechanism for RDF MUST be consistent with either the RDF Direct Mapping or R2RML" we really owe implementors of those specs at least a high level explanation of why we've taken a relatively different approach. On that front we could re-iterate the idea of opening a dedicated Community Group on advanced mappings, now that the csv2rdf basic design looks stable. We could explore the idea that our JSON format is an authoring-friendly shorthand (pure subset?) of R2RML (or RML)?. The charter also mentions Forms ("Coordinate on the possible usage of CSV XPath expressions" - did anything happen there?) and XML. We didn't go the XML route and this is a fair point at which to explain why (and redirect followups to w3.org/community/ ?). We also need to communicate carefully and appropriately to the IETF, given that they specify the underlying CSV format we began with. We shouldn't assume an IETF audience is necessarily up to date with any recent changes in W3C process, or has followed our group in detail. BTW how are we looking on the Working Drafts for today? If I recall right they should be with W3C webmaster by tonight? >From an airport - back online later, Dan
Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2015 12:15:55 UTC