Re: Could primaryKey be specified directly as a column name?

Hi David,

This was an attempt to make the metadata JSON be good JSON-LD. The draft now just uses the “name” property and references those names within “primaryKey", which makes it easier to write but requires a bit more application logic.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Booth <>
Reply: David Booth <>>
Date: 1 November 2014 at 20:36:05
To: <>>
Subject:  Could primaryKey be specified directly as a column name?

> In the 30-Oct-2014 draft at
> there is a very nice, simple example in Sec 4. (Thanks for that!) But
> I'm wondering about one detail.
> Example 3 shows CSV metadata, which includes:
> . . .
> "columns": [{
> "@id": "_:GID",
> "name": "GID",
> "datatype": "integer"
> }, {
> . . .
> "primaryKey": "_:GID"
> }]
> . . .
> I notice that the value provided for "primaryKey" above is specified as
> an indirect identifier ("_:GID") for the primary key column, instead of
> being directly specified as the column name "GID". I assume that there
> is some rationale for doing it this way -- perhaps so that the metadata
> can specify duplicate column names, though wouldn't that be a bad use
> case to support? -- but it seems cumbersome and error prone. Can this
> be simplified to allow the "primaryKey" to be specified directly as the
> column name?
> Thanks,
> David

Jeni Tennison

Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 10:53:35 UTC