What to do when "primary key" cell values are blank

Hi - when putting together Use Case #24 - Expressing a hierarchy within occupational listings [1] I was considering how primary key behaviour might work. In this use case, there are four different types of entity described in a single CSV file. I inferred that we might apply four different templates to pull out the relevant contents and transform into RDF. A given row describes _one of_ the types of entity, meaning that the primary key column asserted, say, for extracting "SOC Major Group" concepts will often be blank. 

I have stated in the use case that:
> Where the value in the designated primary key column is blank, the row is ignored.

I have also added this constraint to the primary key requirement [2].

Please advise is this is inappropriate!

Regards, Jeremy

[1] http://w3c.github.io/csvw/use-cases-and-requirements/#UC-ExpressingHierarchyWithinOccupationalListings
[2] http://w3c.github.io/csvw/use-cases-and-requirements/#R-PrimaryKey 

Received on Friday, 6 June 2014 08:54:08 UTC