csswg/css3-writing-modes Overview.html,1.122,1.123 Overview.src.html,1.127,1.128

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Clarifications to orthogonal flows mappings

Index: Overview.html
RCS file: /sources/public/csswg/css3-writing-modes/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.122
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -d -r1.122 -r1.123
--- Overview.html	19 May 2011 23:13:40 -0000	1.122
+++ Overview.html	20 May 2011 02:09:56 -0000	1.123
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
    <h1>CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3</h1>
-   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=longstatus-date>Editor's Draft 19 May 2011</h2>
+   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=longstatus-date>Editor's Draft 20 May 2011</h2>
     <dt>This version:
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-    <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-writing-modes-20110519">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/ED-css3-writing-modes-20110519/</a>
+    <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-writing-modes-20110520">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/ED-css3-writing-modes-20110520/</a>
@@ -2331,11 +2331,15 @@
     href="#vertical-rl"><code class=css>vertical-rl</code></a>&rsquo;).
-  <p>To handle the second case, for the purposes of calculating the layout of
-   the box, the physical dimensions corresponding to the extent and measure
-   of the containing block are determined using the writing mode of the box
-   under consideration, not the writing mode of the element associated with
-   the containing block.
+  <p>To handle the second case, CSS layout calculations are divided into two
+   phases: sizing a box, and positioning the box within its flow. In the
+   sizing phase&#8212;calculating the width and height of the box&#8212;the
+   dimensions of the box and the containing block are mapped to the measure
+   and extent and calculations performed accordingly using the writing mode
+   of the element. In the positioning phase&#8212;calculating the positioning
+   offsets, margins, borders, and padding&#8212;the dimensions of the box and
+   its containing block are mapped to the measure and extent and calculations
+   performed according to the writing mode of the containing block.
   <p>For example, if a vertical block is placed inside a horizontal block,
    then when calculating the physical height (which is the measure) of the
@@ -2343,37 +2347,39 @@
    the measure of the child's containing block, even though the physical
    height is the extent, not the measure, of the parent block.
+  <p>Since auto auto margins are resolved consistent with the containing
+   block's writing mode, a box establishing an orthogonal flow, can, once
+   sized, be aligned or centered within its containing block just like other
+   block-level elements by using auto margins.
   <p>It is common in CSS for a containing block to have a defined measure,
    but not a defined extent. This typically happens in CSS2.1 when a
    containing block has an &lsquo;<a href="#auto"><code
    class=css>auto</code></a>&rsquo; height, for example: its width is given
    by the calculations in <a
    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#blockwidth">10.3.3</a>, but
-   its extent depends on its contents. In such cases the <i>available
-   measure</i> is defined, but the <i>available extent</i> is infinite.
+   its extent depends on its contents. In such cases the <dfn
+   id=available-measure>available measure</dfn> is defined as the measure of
+   the containing block; but the <dfn id=available-extent>available
+   extent</dfn>, which would otherwise be the extent of the containing block,
+   is infinite.
-  <p>Orthogonal flows allow the opposite to happen: for the <i>available
-   extent</i> to be defined, but the <i>available measure</i> to be infinite.
-   In such cases a percentage of the containing block measure cannot be
-   defined, and thus the initial containing block's measure is used to
-   calculate such percentages instead. <span class=issue>Is this definition
-   of percentages a good idea?</span>
+  <p>Orthogonal flows allow the opposite to happen: for the <a
+   href="#available-extent"><i>available extent</i></a> to be defined, but
+   the <a href="#available-measure"><i>available measure</i></a> to be
+   infinite. In such cases a percentage of the containing block measure
+   cannot be defined, and thus the initial containing block's measure is used
+   instead as a <a href="#fallback-measure"><i>fallback measure</i></a> to
+   calculate such percentages.
   <h4 id=orthogonal-auto><span class=secno>7.3.1. </span> Auto-sizing in
    Orthogonal Flows</h4>
   <p>If the computed measure of an element establishing an orthogonal flow is
    &lsquo;<a href="#auto"><code class=css>auto</code></a>&rsquo;, then the
-   used measure is calculated as the shrink-to-fit (<a
-   href="#fit-content"><i>fit-content</i></a>) value using the initial
-   containing block's measure as the available size in the shrink-to-fit
-   algorithm.
-  <p class=note>As with other shrink-to-fit boxes, the width and height
-   calculations occur before auto margin calculations in the inline
-   dimension, and therefore a block box establishing an orthogonal flow, once
-   sized, can be aligned or centered within its containing block just like
-   other block-level elements by using auto margins.
+   used measure is calculated as the <a
+   href="#fit-content"><i>fit-content</i></a> (shrink-to-fit) size using the
+   initial containing block's measure as the available measure.
   <h4 id=orthogonal-multicol><span class=secno>7.3.2. </span> Multi-column
    Layout in Orthogonal Flows</h4>
@@ -3064,9 +3070,10 @@
     the <dfn id=fill-available-measure>fill-available measure</dfn> is
     calculated by subtracting out the element's margins, borders, and padding
-    from the <i>available measure</i> and flooring the result at zero. If the
-    available measure is infinite, then a <dfn id=fallback-measure>fallback
-    measure</dfn> is used in place of the <i>available measure</i> in this
+    from the <a href="#available-measure"><i>available measure</i></a> and
+    flooring the result at zero. If the available measure is infinite, then a
+    <dfn id=fallback-measure>fallback measure</dfn> is used in place of the
+    <a href="#available-measure"><i>available measure</i></a> in this
     calculation. (In the case of orthogonal flows, this is the measure of the
     initial containing block.) The <dfn
     id=fill-available-extent>fill-available extent</dfn> is similarly

Index: Overview.src.html
RCS file: /sources/public/csswg/css3-writing-modes/Overview.src.html,v
retrieving revision 1.127
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -d -r1.127 -r1.128
--- Overview.src.html	19 May 2011 23:13:40 -0000	1.127
+++ Overview.src.html	20 May 2011 02:09:56 -0000	1.128
@@ -1698,12 +1698,18 @@
       example, ''horizontal-tb'' and ''vertical-rl'').</li>
-  <p>To handle the second case, for the purposes of calculating the
-    layout of the box, the physical dimensions corresponding to the
-    extent and measure of the containing block are determined
-    using the writing mode of the box under consideration, not the
-    writing mode of the element associated with the containing block.
+  <p>To handle the second case, CSS layout calculations are divided into
+    two phases: sizing a box, and positioning the box within its flow.
+    In the sizing phase&#8212;calculating the width and height of the
+    box&#8212;the dimensions of the box and the containing block
+    are mapped to the measure and extent and calculations performed
+    accordingly using the writing mode of the element.
+    In the positioning phase&#8212;calculating the positioning offsets,
+    margins, borders, and padding&#8212;the dimensions of the box and
+    its containing block are mapped to the measure and extent and
+    calculations performed according to the writing mode of the
+    containing block.
   <p>For example, if a vertical block is placed inside a horizontal
     block, then when calculating the physical height (which is the
     measure) of the child block the physical height of the parent
@@ -1711,37 +1717,36 @@
     block, even though the physical height is the extent, not the
     measure, of the parent block.</p>
+  <p>Since auto auto margins are resolved consistent with the containing
+    block's writing mode, a box establishing an orthogonal flow, can,
+    once sized, be aligned or centered within its containing block just
+    like other block-level elements by using auto margins.
   <p>It is common in CSS for a containing block to have a defined
     measure, but not a defined extent. This typically happens in
     CSS2.1 when a containing block has an ''auto'' height, for
     example: its width is given by the calculations in
     <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#blockwidth">10.3.3</a>,
     but its extent depends on its contents. In such cases the
-    <i>available measure</i> is defined, but the <i>available extent</i>
-    is infinite.
+    <dfn>available measure</dfn> is defined as the measure of the
+    containing block; but the <dfn>available extent</dfn>, which
+    would otherwise be the extent of the containing block, is
+    infinite.
   <p>Orthogonal flows allow the opposite to happen: for the
     <i>available extent</i> to be defined, but the <i>available
     measure</i> to be infinite. In such cases a percentage of the
     containing block measure cannot be defined, and thus the
-    initial containing block's measure is used to calculate such
-    percentages instead. <span class="issue">Is this definition
-    of percentages a good idea?</span>
+    initial containing block's measure is used instead as a
+    <i>fallback measure</i> to calculate such percentages.
 <h4 id="orthogonal-auto">
 Auto-sizing in Orthogonal Flows</h4>
   <p>If the computed measure of an element establishing an orthogonal
     flow is ''auto'', then the used measure is calculated as the
-    shrink-to-fit (<i>fit-content</i>) value using the initial containing
-    block's measure as the available size in the shrink-to-fit algorithm.
-  <p class="note">As with other shrink-to-fit boxes, the width and
-    height calculations occur before auto margin calculations in the
-    inline dimension, and therefore a block box establishing an
-    orthogonal flow, once sized, can be aligned or centered within
-    its containing block just like other block-level elements by
-    using auto margins.
+    <i>fit-content</i> (shrink-to-fit) size using the initial containing
+    block's measure as the available measure.
 <h4 id="orthogonal-multicol">
 Multi-column Layout in Orthogonal Flows</h4>

Received on Friday, 20 May 2011 02:10:00 UTC