[Bug 26294] CSSOM-View extensions to Element.scrollLeft and Element.scrollTop are not valid WebIDL


--- Comment #2 from Kearwood "Kip" Gilbert <kgilbert@mozilla.com> ---
Feedback on w3.org is requesting that new scrolling API's support both physical
and logical coordinates for the scroll offset:


In order to include writing-mode and rtl agnostic scroll offset support, I
propose that
we create a new function, Element.scrollTo, which takes a dictionary derived

Proposed WebIDL

dictionary ElementScrollOptions : ScrollOptions {
  double left;
  double top;
  double right;
  double bottom;
  double blockStart;
  double blockEnd;
  double inlineStart;
  double inlineEnd;

void scrollTo(optional ElementScrollOptions options);


Various combinations of ElementScrollOptions members can be passed to scrollTo
select the scroll destination with a physical or abstract offset:

  - Number of pixels that an element’s content is scrolled to the left. 
    to setting the "Element.scrollLeft" attribute.
  - If the direction of the element is ltr (left-to-right) then "left" is 0
when the
    scrollbar is at its leftmost position (at start of the scrolled content)
and then
    increases as you scroll towards the end of the content.
  - If the direction of the element is rtl (right-to-left) then "left" is 0
when the
    scrollbar is at its rightmost position (at start of the scrolled content)
    then increasingly negative as you scroll towards the end of the content.

  - Number of pixels that an element’s content is scrolled to the right.
  - If the direction of the element is ltr (left-to-right) then "right" is 0
when the
    scrollbar is at its rightmost position (at the end of the scrolled content)
    then increasingly negative as you scroll towards the start of the content.
  - If the direction of the element is rtl (right-to-left) then "right" is 0
when the
    scrollbar is at its leftmost position (at the end of the scrolled content)
and then
    increases as you scroll towards the start of the content.

  - Number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward. 
    to setting the "Element.scrollLeft" attribute.
  - "top" is 0 when the scrollbar is at its topmost position (at the start of
     scrolled content) and then increases as you scroll towards the bottom of

  - Number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled downward.
  - "bottom" is 0 when the scrollbar is at its bottommost position (at the
start of
    the scrolled content) and then increasingly negative as you scroll towards
the top
    of the content.

  - "blockStart" is an offset relative to the side that comes earlier in the
    progression, as determined by the writing-mode property.
  - In horizontal-tb mode, is equivalent to setting value of "top".
  - In vertical-rl mode, is equivalent to setting value of "right".
  - In vertical-lr mode, is equivalent to setting value of "left".

  - "inlineStart" is an offset relative to the side from which text of the
    base direction would start.
  - With a direction value of ltr, this is the line-left side.
  - With a direction value of rtl, this is the line-right side.

  - "blockEnd" is an offset is relative to the side opposite block-start.

  - "inlineEnd" is an offset is relative to the side opposite inline-start.

For a complete list of all combinations and their equivalent physical mappings,
see [2].

- "left", "top", "right", and "bottom" represent physical scrolling offsets.
- "blockStart", "blockEnd", "inlineStart", and "inlineEnd" represent offsets
  in flow-relative directions [1].
- Values assigned to "blockStart", "blockEnd", "inlineStart", and "inlineEnd"
are set
  to the equivalent physical offsets of left, top, right, and bottom as per
  "6.4 Abstract-to-Physical Mappings" in the "CSS Writing Modes Level 3"
  specification [2].
- If physical scrolling offsets are mixed with offsets in flow-relative
directions, an
  exception will be thrown.
- If non-finite values (NaN, -Infinity, Infinity) are passed to any member of
  ElementScrollOptions, an exception will be thrown.
- The scrolling offset is considered over-constrained if more than one offset
for any
  axis are passed simultaneously.
  - "left" and "right" are mutually exclusive
  - "top" and "bottom" are mutually exclusive
  - "blockStart" and "blockEnd" are mutually exclusive
  - "inlineStart" and "inlineEnd" are mutually exclusive
- If the scrolling offset is over-constrained, an exception will be thrown.
- If a scrolling offset for an axis is not passed, then the position of that
  at the start of the scroll will be used as the destination position for that
- If no scrolling offsets are included in ElementScrollOptions, the scrollTo
  will perform a scroll with the destination set to the current scroll offset. 
This may
  cause a smooth scroll [3] to be interrupted.  If ScrollOptions and the
  CSS property evaluate to a smooth scroll, then a smooth scroll to the current
  is performed to end the scroll at the specified offset in a UA defined smooth

[1] CSS Writing Modes Level 3 - Flow-relative directions

[2] CSS Writing Modes Level 3 - 6.4 Abstract-to-Physical Mappings 

[3] CSSOM View Module - 4.1 Scrolling

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