[Bug 14807] Interaction of animation-delay and animation-iteration-count
[Bug 16410] Define the interaction of animation-fill-mode with running/completed animations
[Bug 17559] [om] Clarify what elapsedTime should return when animation-delay is specified
[Bug 23066] Opinions wanted: preferred behavior of setProperty
[Bug 25034] [om] Clarify CSSKeyframesRule.deleteRule() effect when multiple rules use the same key
[Bug 25035] [om] The side-effects of programmatically duplicating a rule key are undefined
[Bug 25344] [om] 'none' should not be a valid value for CSSKeyframesRule.name
[Bug 25670] [om] Should CSSKeyframesRule inherit from CSSGroupingRule
[Bug 26941] The 'scroll-behavior' CSS property should accept 'auto'.
[Bug 27181] New: [Editorial][om] Add examples, and note
Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2014 22:40:24 UTC