[Bug 24159] Is returning a noninteger Window.innerWidth/innerHeight/outerWidth/outerHeight web-compatible?


--- Comment #2 from Simon Pieters <simonp@opera.com> ---
Some information from Rossen from Microsoft regarding MouseEvents:

[13:56] <Rossen_> here's an example content that will break from sub-px values
[13:56] <Rossen_> for (var x = startX; x != (endX + xDir); x += xDir) ...
[13:57] <zcorpan> thanks. do you have a URL also=
[13:57] <Rossen_> In this case, xDir is a direction, so -1 or 1. startX is
where the mouse clicked down, and the endX is where the mouse is currently, as
reported in the offsetX to the mouseMove handler. The problem is, this script
assumes you will only return integer values for offsetX and it does a != check
rather than < or >. Chrome only reports integers, so there's no problem. They
also have a special workaround for Firefox, who doesn't even define offsetX
[13:58] <Rossen_> http://goosecode.com/shapdar
[13:59] <Rossen_> If you were to return fractional values here, this for loop
goes on forever and it would hang. I think the only thing to do here is
outreach to the site.
[14:09] <zcorpan> is it ok if i make this information available in a public
[14:11] <Rossen_> for sure

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Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2014 05:19:55 UTC