from November 2013 by subject

[Bug 20522] :sorted, :sorted(ascending), and :sorted(descending)

[Bug 20591] Better description of 'color-interpolation-filters'

[Bug 21610] drop-shadow with support for inset shadow

[Bug 22578] Reference security model of SVG Integration spec

[Bug 22579] blur() may support horizontal and vertical blur

[Bug 22583] Transitions between shorthand filters limited

[Bug 22951] No interpolation on SVG filter reference or <child> selectors

[Bug 23238] Region styling syntax should sync with 'distributed' from Shadow DOM

[Bug 23548] Specify that 'resolution' is affected by page zoom but not by pinch zoom

[Bug 23723] New: "offsetLeft" reality check

[Bug 23741] New: "Return the border edge width of the first CSS l..."

[Bug 23781] id and class should be case-insensitive in quirks

[Bug 23825] " hit testing" is not defined

[Bug 23825] New: " hit testing" is not defined

[Bug 23826] New: Editorial nit about <s>

[Bug 23852] New: Specify interaction with Web Components

[Bug 23859] New: Semicolons are missing in WebIDL of css-conditional

[Bug 23875] New: Skew function has no ID attribute

[Bug 23925] "For each CSS property property that is a suppor..."

[Bug 23925] New: "For each CSS property property that is a suppor..."

Last message date: Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:07:37 UTC