[Bug 20832] New: Consider defining methods for converting points between different transformed coordinate systems
[Bug 16228] Font matching algorithm should explain cluster-based matching
[Bug 20782] New: SVGFEMergeElement lacks SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes implements statements
- [Bug 20782] SVGFEMergeElement lacks SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes implements statements
- [Bug 20782] SVGFEMergeElement lacks SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes implements statements
[Bug 20781] New: SVGFEGaussianBlurElement implements SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes; mentioned twice
- [Bug 20781] SVGFEGaussianBlurElement implements SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes; mentioned twice
- [Bug 20781] SVGFEGaussianBlurElement implements SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes; mentioned twice
[Bug 20762] New: Drop-shadow filter should not allow negative blur radius values
[Bug 16437] Consistent use of start/end/top/bottom
[Bug 20727] New: CSS3 "selector {content: box(100px, 100px);}", and other ideas
[Bug 14871] Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load
[Bug 20725] New: dummy bug
[Bug 14871] Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load
[Bug 14871] Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load
[Bug 20716] New: Typo in transition-timing-function property value
- [Bug 20716] Typo in transition-timing-function property value
- [Bug 20716] Typo in transition-timing-function property value
[Bug 19610] (editorial) "Applies to" → "Applies To"
[Bug 19613] (editorial) pictures in the Flex Lines section are broken
[Bug 17442] Tab order within a reordered flexbox?
[Bug 17441] Painting order of reordered flex items?
[Bug 17514] URI token should be agnostic to escaping the characters 'u', 'r', 'l' (reopening of Issue 23)
[Bug 16861] @rule for filters
[Bug 19712] Update description of contrast() filter
[Bug 19886] CSS Shaders idea - using "element(#DOM)" for textures (sampler2D)
[Bug 19709] Add feDiffuseSpecularElement support
[Bug 19708] Add feUnsharpMaskElement support
[Bug 19710] Add further filter functions
[Bug 20658] New: Redundancy in section 15 "Filter primitive feComponentTransfer"
[Bug 20640] New: checking for infinity and nan values in window.scroll
[Bug 20461] keyframe selector unit specifier: implement s,ms,µs
[Bug 20609] New: Multiple occurrences of the same 'animation-name' in animation shorthand
[Bug 20591] New: Better description of 'color-interpolations-filter'
- [Bug 20591] Better description of 'color-interpolations-filter'
- [Bug 20591] Better description of 'color-interpolation-filters'
- [Bug 20591] Better description of 'color-interpolation-filters'