from February 2013 by subject

[Bug 16109] outline-offset is listed as integer, but should be length

[Bug 16521] Rounding of integer values is inconsistent with SVG and SMIL

[Bug 16545] Clarify the restart of an animation

[Bug 17520] does not specify how to handle multiple rules on insertRule

[Bug 17550] Interaction of timing functions specified in a keyframe with properties defined in other keyframes

[Bug 19995] StyleSheet interface should have a "scoped" IDL attribute

[Bug 20762] Drop-shadow filter should not allow negative blur radius values

[Bug 20983] New: Expose page-margin rules inside @page (CSSPagerule)

[Bug 21018] cascading of keyframes in @keyframes should be per-property rather than per-rule

[Bug 21018] New: cascading of keyframes in @keyframes should be per-property rather than per-rule

[Bug 21101] New: transitionend event should not be cancelable

[Bug 21132] New: Regions need a way to respond to events in their content fragment

[Bug 21132] Regions need a way to respond to events in their content fragment

Last message date: Wednesday, 27 February 2013 17:12:28 UTC