Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Maybe min, max and step should not be part of the random-caching-key (#11742)

Hm, just spitballing if we could handle this via `calc-range()` or whatever (the "interpolation" variety). 

It would need the `by C` ability added to the between-stops interpolation qualities. But that's also a little strange - A+n\*C doesn't necessarily hit B; the current `random()` spec handles this by just suggesting you write your B to slightly overshoot, and lets the actual end of the range be exactly an A+n\*C value. We'd need to be able to round the endpoint down a little...

@function --step-range-limit(--a, --b, --c) {
  --dist: calc(var(--b) - var(--a));
  --step: calc(var(--dist) / var(--c));
  --rounded-dist: round(down, var(--dist), var(--step));
  result: calc(var(--a) + var(--rounded-dist));
@function --step-count(--a, --b, --c) {
  --dist: calc(var(--b) - var(--a));
  --step: calc(var(--dist) / var(--c));
  result: calc(1 + round(down, var(--dist) / var(--step), 1));

/* then `random(A, B, by C)` computes to... */

    0: A,
    by steps(--step-count(A, B, C), jump-none),
    1: --step-range-limit(A, B, C)

Tho, no, sigh, that still doesn't get me some of the argument handling. I guess I will just need to make `random()` handle this.

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