Re: [csswg-drafts] [meta][css-fonts-4] Index of local font issues: fingerprinting, I18n, privacy (#11775)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[meta][css-fonts-4] Index of local font issues: fingerprinting, I18n, privacy`.

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;fantasai> hober notes that Metafont is an actual thing<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: I created this meta-issue ... to organize the discussion<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: Sometimes we solve certain aspects and close an issue, so this is why closed issues are included<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: Want to show where we are, what we've solved / not solved, etc.<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: Some recent discussions around treating local fonts like webfonts<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: But we need to solve this in some way, and we need to not break the Web, and to not disadvantage users who use languages other than English<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: For example Chinese often relies on local fonts<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: Another use case was a word processor type application, where users expect the browser to access all the local fonts<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: Point of agenda item is to ask, who is interested in this topic? Who plans to work on it? If we come up with solutions, who will prototype them?<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: Looking for volunteers to look at the possible solutions, try to make progress up to and including prototyping, to see what we can do to make this a better situation across all browsers.<br>
&lt;fantasai> noamr: I'm personally interested in it, but don't have the bandwidth atm. I can try to find ppl in Google internally, but that's the most I can commit to.<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: That's still helpful, thanks!<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: As we work on solutions and get closer to something that seems viable, it may be a little easier to convince others to take the time to prototype things.<br>
&lt;emilio> (not with a mic r/n), but I'm interested, and there's people at Moz that also are, but whether but whether we're the right people to prototype depends on what solutions we're talking about :)<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: I will say that I got 5 private responses to my query that was meant to prompt public reply-all of ppl interested in this issue.<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: People expressed their opinions on what most likely possibilities were on the issue, but just private replies and not sure what ppl are comfortable with me making public.<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: I sent a private reply. First I had increased time in CSSWG by 10% and plh was ok with it.<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: I also commented on what I thought were the most practical directions, but as the editor I want to be neutral.<br>
&lt;fantasai> ChrisL: so that's why private reply<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: I will commit more time to looking through these issues and replying with problems that I see, or avenues that seem promising.<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: I may not be quite the level of ChrisL, might be more 5% increase. :)<br>
&lt;Zakim> astearns, you wanted to read emilio's comment<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: [reads emilio's comment]<br>
&lt;fantasai> jfkthame: I'm in a fairly similar position to noamr, I'm interested, but I have very little bandwidth atm<br>
&lt;fantasai> jfkthame: at the same time, if/when we coalesce around ideas worth prototyping, I'm happy to advocate for them and try to find resources to work on it<br>
&lt;kbabbitt> q+<br>
&lt;fantasai> kbabbitt: Encourage incubating ideas<br>
&lt;astearns> ack kbabbitt<br>
&lt;fantasai> kbabbitt: Since I brought up word processing idea, I can discuss with those stakeholders<br>
&lt;fantasai> kbabbitt: Will try to produce data necessary<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: So maybe we take this back to the issues and get some more work done, unless anyone else wants to add to the conversation?<br>
&lt;fantasai> astearns: OK, done for now. Expect these issues to return!<br>

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