Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-display-4] reading-flow and mix of auto-flow and explicit items (#11208)

1a) Yeah, we're fine with a "no extra reordering" beahvior (just triggers reading-flow-container side effects, and allows reading-order to work on children), so long as it's an explicit separate keyword. We skipped it originally because triggering just the side-effects wasn't worth the specification/implementation effort, but now that reading-order exists, we agree that's changed.

1b) This cuts both ways. Authors turning on reading-order on an item might not (and I think it's reasonable to say, *probably won't*) expect that to also turn on the reading-flow-container side effects on *all siblings of that element*. It also seems perfectly plausible for authors to reuse similar markup structures multiple times on a page or across pages, of which only *some* of them use reading-order on a child, and getting the side-effects on some of those but not all seems unexpected. Similarly, if the reading-order child is toggleable (going between `display:none` and not-`none`), it would flicker the side-effects depending on whether the child is displayed or not. All of these seem relatively bad and hard for authors to predict.

On the other hand, it's pretty normal to have features not work on children/descendants when the special container isn't turned on, especially when having the feature work implicitly affects the other elements in the container. For example, using `flex` on one element doesn't automatically turn the parent into a flexbox.

1c) Block-level reading-order has use-cases, but it's a lot more complex than the flex/grid situations, involving out-of-flows like floats. We don't want to rush the specification of that behavior, and don't want to hook the flex/grid cases on us getting block behavior defined and correct.

Reordering cases like "image over headline" are already widely solved by authors by using flexbox or grid, giving them the ability to set the right source order *and* get the desired visual order, or use any source order and now invoke `reading-flow` to make the visual order important. Authors using legacy layout techniques are also not particularly likely to be retrofitting their page. So we don't think this is a particularly urgent case to address right now.

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