[csswg-drafts] Pull Request: [*][editorial] Unquote delimiters in value definitions

svgeesus has just labeled a pull request from cdoublev for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts as "meta":

== [*][editorial] Unquote delimiters in value definitions ==
This PR removes the quotes around `:` `/` `)` in value definitions.

Since eab6ac4, the related text of [CSS V&U](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#component-types) is:

  > 6. Delimiters, which represent their corresponding tokens. Slashes (`/`), commas (`,`), colons (`:`), semicolons (`;`), parentheses (`(` and `)`), and braces (`{` and `}`) are written literally. Other delimiters must be written enclosed in single quotes (such as `'+'`).

In this paragraph, whether they *can* be or they *must* be written literally is ambiguous.

None are tokenized as `<delim-token>` but as their own token, except `/`. They *are* delimiters, I think, and I guess these tokens only exist for convenience. But a "dumb" CSS value definition parser may interpret `')'` as a `<delim-token>` whose value is `)`, whereas such token cannot exist.

This change would also be appreciated to have simpler implementation of such parsers. MediaQueries and Selectors both define a "general" functional notation: the former with `)`, the second with `')'`.

See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/11807

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