Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-scoping] Scoping of functions, other name-defining at-rules and custom idents (#11798)

1. I honestly can't judge whether this would be a complete alternative to your proposal or just something with some overlap. Even with completely private scoping this would address most of my needs, specially if `@layer`s were treated a specially to make names scoped to the layer rather than the individual `@layer { }` blocks.
2. I'd say it's reasonable to declare a list of names used in a scope: `@local --hue --saturation --value;`. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're talking about a way to wrap a section of code and have every name inside be scoped to this section? So something like `@everything-inside-local { :root { --color: red; color: var(--color) } }`?

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