Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-scoping] Scoping of functions, other name-defining at-rules and custom idents (#11798)

I've been hoping for some sort of name scoping for a while but I'd rather have lexical scoping where a name is local to a file or block of CSS code, rather than certain parts of the document.

In its most basic form, this could be implemented by just prefixing any names found within a scope:

@layer has-local-name {
   @local --color; /* scoped to the layer */

   /* gets turned into --internal-prefix-color */
   :root { color: var(--color) }
:root {
   --color: red; /* does nothing because plain `--color` isn't used anywhere */

A neat side effect here is that this could be done entirely by a preprocessor so it could be used in production a lot sooner.

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