Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts] Add generic font family, Khmer Mul (#10036)

@svgeesus the font used for the âksâr chôr style rendering of ប្រវត្តិវិទូ creates an overlap of the vowel sign above the second-to-last consonant.

<img width="325" alt="Image" src="" />

I think it should look like  the following, which was created using the Khmer OS Battambang font:

<img width="228" alt="Image" src="" />

or this, with the Noto Serif Khmer font

<img width="256" alt="Image" src="" />

( You can experiment with different font renderings at   If you need help to recreate the Mul text in the image, click on Fonts>Manage Fonts>Add Suggestions to find other fonts.  If you have them installed, you'll find Khmer Ratanakiri – which produces mul without the ligature – and Khmer OS Moul – which does so with the ligature.)

Btw, it would be nice if it was possible to copy paste the source of images like this, rather than having to type them in when you want to copy the original.  This could be done by including the text version in the caption, or linking to it on another page.

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