Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-overflow-5] What is the active :checked marker when some markers point to elements within different scrolling containers? (#11098)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[css-overflow-5] What is the active :checked marker when some markers point to elements within different scrolling containers?`, and agreed to the following:

* `RESOLVED: Adopt everything in the Oct 30 comment`

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: with scroll markers created by anchor links, we can link to scroll targets created in various elements<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: how do we determine what's the target created by :target-current/<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: My proposal, if the scroller is not considered to be current, none of the container scrollers are current, and if it is, you check the subscrollers<br>
&lt;flackr> s/none of the container scrollers/none of the markers within it<br>
&lt;andreubotella> florian: makes sense to me<br>
&lt;andreubotella> florian: I wonder if a similar logic could be used for the discussion in only things in the nested one match if the scroller is currently marking<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: that would work<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: fantasai's comment about the siblings case is that, with two scrollers only one of them is current, and only the target within the scroller is given :target-current<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: that use case might be better served by multiple scroll contain groups<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: not sure if you'd want to have more than one scroll marker within a scroll target group<br>
&lt;andreubotella> fantasai: if you have one scroller, and the subscrollers are in sequence, and it's clear one is active and the others aren't, that makes sense<br>
&lt;andreubotella> fantasai: but what if you have a 3-column view and one is the ToC and the others are scrollers?<br>
&lt;andreubotella> fantasai: I'm fine starting with this and see what crazy ideas kizu comes up with<br>
&lt;andreubotella> flackr: I'm not sure what I'd even expect in that case<br>
&lt;andreubotella> florian: This is a common theme with this proposal, many ways you could design it, but we need to pick a design you'd use in most common cases<br>
&lt;andreubotella> florian: and then get author feedback<br>
&lt;andreubotella> florian: I don't think there's a generic solution that handles everything<br>
&lt;andreubotella> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Adopt everything in the Oct 30 comment<br>
&lt;andreubotella> fantasai: and wait for kizu to experiment :)<br>
&lt;andreubotella> RESOLVED: Adopt everything in the Oct 30 comment<br>

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