Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] What is the MVP for inline conditionals on custom properties? (#10064)

Using `?:` doesn't change anything about my critiques. All that `?:` does it change the separators (from `:,` or `:;`), but once that swap is made, the problems are exactly the same - you'd still be distinguishing between `if(foo()? bar)` and `if(foo()? bar:)` for IACVT vs empty catch-all, which isn't good, and `if(foo()? bar : baz() ? qux)` still might be a catch-all with the value `baz(): qux`.

The basic takeaway is that you don't want to fight with wide grammars, they're a lot slippier than you'd think. Always just pin them down exactly.

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