Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

> I don't think this particular layout makes sense as a masonry layout, it's so constrained it doesn't use any mechanism of masonry anymore.

Nah, as I've played in the space I've found that "columns you can assign things to" is a very reasonable use-case, and fits within the confines of a Masonry spec *very* naturally. Literally the only thing you need to support this entire layout is the ability to have items span multiple tracks (already a well-established core use-case) and the ability to assign items to a specific track (less common, but trivial to adopt, and very natural when reusing concepts from Grid for the placement properties; it would be weirder to *not* allow that, actually).

The only downside of shoving this use-case into Masonry is that you still get the limitations of "size as you place", which restricts how you can size tracks, even tho all the items have a known placement location up-front. But still, that's a relatively small price to pay, I think (and is theoretically fixable in the future, if we decide to...)

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