Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-overflow][css-contain][css-sizing] `overflow: auto` incompatible with size containment and container queries (#7875)

Summarizing earlier discussions:

We have the resolution we took in
> for overflow:auto and size containment, 1st phase sizes without scrollbars, 2nd pass adding scrollbars doesn't change the size (b/c it is fixed).

The first phase sizes without scrollbars because when size-containment applies, you first size as if empty.

If we extend the same logic to `overflow: scroll` from first principles, you'd get a 1st phase sized *with* scrollbars, since they're there even if empty.

That solves the "first problem" discussed earlier.

For the second one, the instability of `overflow:auto` with `contain-intrinsic-size:auto`, so far I'm only seeing two proposal:
* `contain-intrinsic-size:auto` causes `overflow:auto` to compute to `overflow:scroll`
* with `contain-intrinsic-size:auto` and `overflow:auto`, the scrollbar gutters getting reserved regardless of whether there is actual overflow, but except the scrollbars don't get painted unless there's overflow. (this could be explained in terms of the `scrollbar-gutter` property, but it would need to gain a new value, as currently `stable` only works in the inline axis.)

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