Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

> Only reason to do this, is to enable clipping. Feels like a technicality that puts extra load on the author and also increases the number of captured elements.

So if the element is container only, it's painted content draws into its ancestor's snapshot (as usual) but there is a group pseudo-element generated to mirror its geometry and parent its descendant named elements. If the goal is just to optimize out redundant snapshots, then the browser can do this automatically. If the container has no painted content, we optimize out its snapshot. So I'm hesitant to add this paradigm unless needed for a use-case, for example, the element has painted content which *needs* to draw into its ancestor instead of underneath its own group pseudo.

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