Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Mitigating fingerprinting for AccentColor/AccentColorText (#10372)

> Prevent AccentColor/AccentColorText from being used to draw to a canvas.

What mechanism do you plan to use for this exactly?

> Prevent getComputedStyle() from returning the actual system accent color. Should it return a fixed color or something else?
> Prevent interpolation when AccentColor/AccentColorText is used.

Two bits about these... At least in Gecko (I suspect in WebKit as well), we don't preserve the system color past the computed value phase (that's a whole thing, see Having to do that just for `AccentColor` / `AccentColorText` is rather annoying.

Re. the interpolation, not being able to interpolate `AccentColor` seems like a severe limitation, which no other color has aiui. I'm assuming that this would also apply to `color-mix()` and co, right?

In particular, consider something like a generic:

button {
  color: var(--button-color);
  background-color: var(--button-background);

  &:hover {
    button-background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--button-background) 80%, transparent);

It'd be extremely confusing if now having something like:

--button-color: accentcolortext;
--button-background: accentcolor;

Now didn't work at all and made the hover effect useless.

All-in-all, I'm still of the opinion that `AccentColor` shouldn't be special (or at least shouldn't be more special than any other system color, like e.g. `Highlight`).

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