Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Make align-self/justify-self align including adjacent extra space (#10275)

@tabatkins I think you're right that this needs the ability to select across what's at the top vs bottom of a stack of items. However I do think that adjusting just the one item, and not the whole stack, is reasonable here. You don't want the whole layout to shift as you're adding items, for example, but you might want to have the bottom row of items stretch to create a flat line--until more content loads in after it.

I think the way to do this would be with `align-items`, and following the `text-align` longhands pattern (`text-align-all`/`text-align-last`). Like this:

- align-self aligns a masonry item within the space it occupies plus the adjacent gap (if any), as [described above]( by @jensimmons 
- align-items-first applies to items in the first row (of grid/masonry/flex).
- align-items-last applies to items in the last row (of grid/masonry/flex).
- align-items-all applies to all the other items.
- align-items is a shorthand for all three.
- align-self overrides align-items, as usual.

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