Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-position-1] Bikeshed name of `inset-area` (#10209)

> > I believe the original naming of `inset-area` came from when the spec used to make `inset-area` reset the `inset` values to `anchor(...)`, where the name made sense, but it no longer makes sense with the current definition.
> I thought it came from the fact that you were picking an **area** within the **inset-** modified-containing-block? In terms of explaining what this property does for developers, I actually think it's pretty important to tie it to `inset`s, so they know it lives within the IMCB. Calling it `position-area` feels more confusing actually.

@mfreed7 Actually it's exactly the opposite? `inset-area` specifies the area that **contains** the inset-modified containing block.

Finding the available space for an abspos follows three steps:
1. Identify the containing block generating element (defaulting to initial containing block).
2. If `grid-area` or `inset-area` applies, use the specified area's edges, otherwise use the containing block's padding edge.
3. Apply `inset` properties to reduce to the inset-modified containing block. This is the rectangle the abspos is sized and positioned into.

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