Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Support same-site cross-origin view transitions (#10364)

My gut reaction was to have an opt-in through CSS, as not all authors have control over setting the headers.

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  origins:,; /* Or maybe even `*`? */

I would prefer to explicitly list the origins here, so that in the future – if it ever would become a thing – cross-origin VTs can use the same descriptor to include other sites.

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  origins: *, *;

_(Note: I’m not suggesting to add cross-site support here and now; am merely thinking ahead to make sure the syntax can support that, if needed)_

An alternative would be to allow a combination of the values `same-origin`, `cross-origin`, `same-site`, `cross-site` for the suggested descriptor but in that case:

- One could end up with a faulty combination of `same-origin cross-site`.
- I’m not sure how one would list the allowed origins/sites.
  - Maybe something like [Related Party Sets]( (fka “First Party Sets”) could be used in that case?

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