Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Computed value and serialization of `Infinity` and `NaN` in color functions (#8629)

This comment above says...

  > [...] the "clamp it to your actual allowed range" behavior that V&U specifies for infinite (and other arbitrarily-large finite) values.

... like this [code comment on WPT](

  > `calc(infinity)` resolves to the upper bound while `calc(-infinity)` and `calc(NaN)` resolves the lower bound.

But this is not what I understand from what [CSS Values and Units](

  > [...] the value resulting from a top-level calculation must be clamped to the range allowed in the target context.

Out of range channel values are *allowed* in all color functions.

Therefore I think it would be great to clarify when and how `calc(infinity)` resolves when serializing (non-mixed) `hsl()` and `hwb()` as components of a declared value, ie. either before or after color space conversion.

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