Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Interpolating calc-size() more generally (#10294)

To recap the history of `transition-behavior` being added to the specification, @fantasai [proposed]( a `transition-discrete` global property. I think it's conceptually similar to the current size `interpolation` property, but I don't know why it wasn't chosen in the end.

At @josepharhar a [list of names used to be provided](

1. 😄transition-mode
2. 🎉transition-type
3. ❤️transition-animation-type
4. 🚀transition-discrete
5. 👀transition-interpolation

From today's perspective, it seems that `transition-interpolation` is more appropriate (Is it still possible to change the name?), I think the `transition-behavior` name is a failure, many people seeing it for the first time can't tell from the name what the property is used for. I hate adding `transition-behavior: allow-discrete` every time I need a transition, I really wish there was a global property that could control it.


So, I propose that the new name be **`size-interpolation`**, and the default value is `normal` or `auto`, which needs to be selected.

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