Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-overflow-4] Define scroll-markers (#10243)

> I'm sure there's a lot of important details missing here, but it might be useful to have something written down to point to and work out the details over PRs and issues. WDYT?

I agree, but the plan was to put it into Overflow L5 along with the current fragmentation appendix, not to patch Overflow L4. :)

Wrt the content of this, I think it needs more explanation of the use cases it's trying to solve (and the use case it's not trying to solve). For my part, I don't understand why we aren't trying to solve the "highlight the relevant table of contents entry" item along with this, for example.

The part about only the currently-active scroll marker being focusable is also weird. How do you activate a scroll marker control with the keyboard if it's not focusable?

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