Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-position-1] Bikeshed name of `inset-area` (#10209)

@una The syntax for the shorthand could be `static | relative | sticky | [ [ absolute | fixed ] || <'position-area'> || <'position-anchor'> ]` or something similar. Or at the very least, `position-area` could be reset-only subproperty of `position`, like `position-anchor` currently is.

Anyway, I'm advocating for the `position-` prefix here, mainly because @fantasai just taught me the spec allows you to use `inset-area` along with `inset` which wasn't clear to me from the naming, e.g.:

inset-area: bottom left;
inset: 2px;

will move the containing block to the bottom left of the anchor, then inset 2px from that containing block.

It would be a lot more explicit that this is how things work if the property was named `position-area`. With the name `inset-area`, I have a tendency to think that `inset-area` resets `inset` or vice-versa and that only one of the two apply.

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