Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-syntax][css-nesting] Design of `@nest` rule (#10234)


> @andruud
> > That means it won't round-trip "structurally", like we talked about before. But maybe that's not so bad.
> It would, why wouldn't it?

If you do e.g.:

.a {
  --x: 1;
  .b { ... }
  --y: 2;

If you now `deleteRule` the `.b`, then we presumably have two `CSSNestingDeclarations` that will collapse into one when round-tripped.

> I think whether the first declaration block is represented as a rule is up for discussion too. Perhaps there's less to settle if we don't do that.

I think this makes many of the problems go away, yes, but probably not all ...

> And the reason we made this trade-off is because we are willing to accept a slightly less nice CSSOM (which is already quite terrible with all its string-based APIs and reportedly only used by 1% of web developers) to the benefit of all other web developers.

Is there really no rule-like form `@nest` can take which makes it OK for the other 99% to occasionally encounter it [1]? `@group`? Or even a prelude-less `{}`? Additionally, we can reduce the exposure with Tab's [serialization proposal](, making the flattened representation the canonical one.

[1] Which can only happen if they write it themselves, or if they're reading the CSS of someone else who did.

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