Re: [csswg-drafts] [cssom] How safe is it really to shorthandify properties? (#8398)

How does the indexing work if you have both the shorthand and its longhands? For example:

var {style} = document.createElement("div");
style.cssText = "white-space: pre";
[]; // Presumably [ "white-space", "white-space-collapse", "text-wrap-mode", "text-wrap-style" ] ?
[]; // Maybe [ "white-space-collapse", "text-wrap-mode" ] ???
            // Or [ "white-space", "white-space-collapse", "text-wrap-mode" ] ???
[]; // Hopefully not [ "white-space" ] ??????

It seems this would need extra logic in `setProperty` and `removeProperty` to automatically insert or remove a shorthand if necessary (maybe when all longhands are present, or when any longhand is present). Need to ensure this doesn't cause perf regressions.

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