Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Clamping component values at computed-value time vs parsing time (#7677)

  > - Clamping at parse time instead of computed time should just affect specified style serialization

It seems to affect color functions taking other colors as arguments, as reported in #10328.

For example, `color(from rgb(306 0 0) srgb r 0 0)` would serialize (as a component of a declared value with) `color(from rgb(255 0 0) r 0 0)` and the computed value would be `color(srgb 1 0 0)` instead of `color(srgb 1.2 0 0)`, if I am not mistaken.

It may be safer to clamp the serialized value rather than affect the parsed value. Maybe it would still be needed for a negative saturation in `hsl()` and a negative whiteness/blackness in `hwb()` (which is now specified in a hidden comment), I am not sure.

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