Re: [csswg-drafts] [selectors][css-transitions-2] `:starting-style` pseudo-class (#10356)

@dbaron I meant to include another example which I would parallel this to. When using an at-rule, you’re usually matching selectors based on the state of an upper scope, usually the document.

In that way, these two are like, as they both match a selector based on an upper-scope state:
a { @media screen { … } }
b { a & { … } }

similarly, both of these pseudo-classes do the same:
a:media(screen) { … }
b:is(a *) { … }

By that reasoning, I would argue that there are in fact pseudo-classes that operate near identically to that one, where `a:is(:root *) b { … }` and `a b:is(:root *) { … }` yield the same effect.

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