Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-overflow-3] Specify extent of ink overflow (#8649)

@fantasai -- jfkthame made the same point about "hanging glyph" in a code review [comment](; I updated the PR to correct the language.

For `box-shadow`, I deliberately placed the new text just after the illustrated example that shows the effect of spread and blur; I felt that it added clarity to the specifics of the geometry. I agree that `border-image-outset` doesn't need any clarification.

More generally, although the language added to `text` and `text-decoration` is squishy and non-normative, it might also be useful for developers who want to reason about the extent of ink overflow. Specifically, the de facto (within 2px) consistency of ink overflow extent between different implementations for a given well-defined font, and the effect of using the `from-font` keyword where supported for text decorations, might be useful guidance. Maybe they belong in the IntersectionObserver spec rather than in `css-text` or `css-text-decoration`; or maybe they belong in a blog post or a tweet instead of a spec. That's the question I'm hoping to resolve.

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