Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-pseudo-4] system colors for ::search-text (#10329)

> * Matching pairs of system colors [must guarantee contrast](

One note on this: if a _user_ has chosen the system colors (think of Windows High Contrast Mode / Contrast Themes), then the user may have intentionally chosen _low_ contrast pairings (to reduce halation or being stuck working with a migraine).

As long as a user has an interface to select these colors (and Windows 11 Contrast Themes does not offer the granularity that prior versions did), then the _must_ statement should be about honoring the user choice versus ensuring a minimum contrast.

Since Windows 11 lets users choose `Highlight` and `HighlightText`, those might be your defaults for now (until Windows 11 provides users a way to set any new color keywords you propose).

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