Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-borders][css-images] Properly address border image use cases, and kill `border-image` with fire (#9714)

Dropping in some examples of things I've run into lately that, at least, to me seem like the kind of border decorations that should be doable without a `border-image-source` download. It seems that the way folks are currently dealing with these things is using pseudo element(s) (or presentational divs) as a decoration layer on top of the background but below the text. It certainly would be nice to have a built in layer for this and not have to bother with the pseudo(s) set up.

FYI, I'm not entirely sure if the heading styling with the left and right side decoration is really within scope here but it's not really a background thing either. There isn't really a simple way that I'm aware of to handle this sort of thing.




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