Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

I agree that the circularity is a problem that needs to be solved for option 1 (which is why I haven't mentioned it, but did think about it).

Auto grouping makes the example above awkward to express, since you need to modify your dom to encompass some things but not others. 

I like option 3, just have both: by default `view-transition-tree` establishes a grouping for descendant vt elements -- this solves a lot of cases without needing to specify parents on each descendant -- and have the ability to explicitly name an _ancestor_ with `view-transition-parent`. Note that the circularity is resolved in that the named parent has to be an ancestor of this element, otherwise the name is invalid

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