Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

With `view-transition-tree: preserve | flatten` it's unclear to me whether what container to apply it on, or even if it applies to the container or the child in the first place.

`view-transition-parent: <name> | auto | none` is better in terms of use-case coverage, but the main issue is circularity (`.child { view-transition-parent: parent; } .parent { view-transition-parent: child }`), it would be good to avoid this footgun.

I don't have great suggestions on top of my head, but could the use cases be covered by scoped element transitions? e.g. making so running a document VT + a scoped element transition concurrently parents things accordingly? or having some API to run both at the same time?

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