Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)

Here's another way to look at the question: how often will it be true that a gird, _set up with the same values_ for the applicable properties, will be a desirable fallback for a masonry design in browsers where masonry is not supported?

If people will need to change all sorts of things anyway, and need to rely on `@supports` for fallback, then having them be separate things can be a cost authors would reasonably be willing to bear, as they're setting them up differently anyway. On the other hand, if you have to say the same thing in two different sets of properties can be aggravating.

I think the theoretical answer is yes, grid can work as a fall back for masonry in many cases. But I'm more interested in author feedback based on real experience: you could fall back to an identically set up grid, but would you?

I suspect the answer might be: not if you want a good design, but if fallback is more of an afterthought, falling back to an identically set up grid is often good enough. I don't know how much this expectation matches author experience at large.

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