Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-position] Default alignments for inset areas are wrong (#10313)

(Just to be clear, the first two bullet points (in the second group listed above) are current spec behavior; it's the third, covering span-* keywords, that's different.)

It turns out that the Chrome impl already does what you're requesting, rather than what I wrote in the spec. I'm happy to update the spec to match; I agree it's better. [Here's an example](

(IIRC, the current behavior for a span-* value was written when anchor-center automatically "un-aligned" for overflow, which resulted in a similar behavior to what you're suggesting. I just didn't revisit this when the sliding behavior was deferred; it definitely needs to be changed.)

Do you think we need a resolution for this, or are you okay with just an edit?

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