Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-3] Republish REC (#10245)

@svgeesus I have:
* folded CR1 in place
* marked CR2 as Proposed
* Updated the changes Section
* Made a [disposition of comments]( and linked to it from the headers
* [Updated the implementation report]( to cover the implementation status of Proposed Correction 2
* Updated the headers to point to the updated implementation report
* Updated the reference to the current Process
* Bumped the date

As you may remember from, this spec no longer has source to be generated from, and the edits must be manually done in the html. The text that's needed to change it from an ED to a REC is in the document, commented out. I hope the latest pubrules won't be demanding too many changes.

Can you take it from here?

Once the REC is republished (and has a date and a URL), I can update the implementation report to talk about the Proposed Correction 2 as being in the REC, rather than in the ED that wants to become a REC.

To later fold it it, we'll still be missing wide review on that change before we can submit an update request. There isn't much to review though, the change is pretty minimal: I wonder how extensive a review the Team would expect on this.

Note: the DoC lists one open issue (, but that's not blocking because the [Process says](
> When publishing an updated version of an existing Candidate Recommendation or Recommendation, technical reports are expected to meet the same maturity criteria as when they are first published under that status. However, in the interest of replacing stale documents with improved ones in a timely manner, if flaws have been discovered in the technical report after its initial publication as a CR or REC that would have been severe enough to reject that publication had they be known in time, it is also permissible to publish an updated CR or REC following the usual process, even if only some of these flaws have been satisfactorily addressed.

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