Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Should relative `rgb()`/`rgba()` and relative `hsl()`/`hsla()` serialize exactly as declared? (#10327)

I filed a separate issue on the ambiguity here -, as I don't think the current spec text is clear on what the rules are. 

Regardless of that however, the question posed here remains, as you can just set currentColor as the origin:

That is, should:

rgb(from currentcolor r g b)


rgba(from currentcolor r g b)

serializations maintain the exact spelling of function name.

@kbabbitt, the tests you mention, notably, cover the absolute case, which has clear rules about which spelling to do, and those rules are not about what spelling was used at the declaration site, but rather about the resolved value of the alpha channel. As you might not know the value of the alpha channel in a relative color, the exact same rules can't be followed. 

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