Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions] Users need to be able to disable view transitions (#10267)

+1 to the comment above. Since the animations in VT are powered by CSS/web animations (from UA and/or author), the strategy we use for CSS animations/web animations overall should by design apply to VT as well.

Reading through the comment threads on though, there is a desire to permit cross-fade style of animations wherever possible. If the user has a "no-motion/forced-reduced-motion" type of setting, then VT is maybe in a unique position to do this easily? The default UA CSS (which adds a name to the root with a cross-fade of old/new state) is already a simple cross-fade between the 2 states. We could force all VTs to only apply UA CSS rules for VT props/pseudos for the "no-motion/forced-reduced-motion" mode. @fantasai @flackr fyi.

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