Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-1] Handle startVT for offscreen iframes (#9839)

There's also the matter of the update callback time here. So, the current events we have are:

t0: startViewTransition is called
t1: capture is requested**
t2: capture completes
t3: callback starts***
t4: callback ends
t5: pseudos are created and animation is ready to start

** this includes the request being unblocked to propagate wherever it needs to, not just pending 
*** t2 and t3 are generally the same time, iirc

At t5 right now, the animation progress time is 0. The proposal is to set the progress to something like (t5-t0) so the animation conceptually starts when startViewTransition is called. However, we also discussed excluding some times like the capture turnaround (t2-t1). I think we likely also want to exclude callback runtime (t4-t3)?

So, would then should the initial progress of the animation at t5 be (t1-t0)? This is reasonable for css animations. However, for web animations that start at the ready promise resolution (t5), it seems a little awkward to start that animation with non-zero progress and presumably only the animations that target the vt pseudos. This makes coordinating multiple animations difficult, imho.

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